What Is Solfège


Solfege is a system that helps you learn to sing and understand music. Each note in a scale is given a unique name referred to as a syllable:

  • Do (like in “dough”)
  • Re (like in “ray”)
  • Mi (like in “me”)
  • Fa (like in “far”)
  • Sol (like in “soul”)
  • La (like in “la”)
  • Ti (like in “tea”)

A scale is a series of notes sung or played in a specific pattern. Scales are the building blocks of most music and are used to create melodies, harmonies, and chords.

The most common type of scale is the major scale. For example, the C major scale starts on the note C and includes the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and then ends on the next C. You can play these notes on a piano by pressing only the white keys, starting from one C and going to the next C.

Scales help musicians understand the “key” of a song, which tells them which notes will sound good together. There are different types of scales, such as major, minor, and chromatic, each with a unique sound and feel. Major scales sound bright and happy, while minor scales often sound sad or serious. By learning scales, musicians can improve their playing skills and learn to recognize and play melodies more easily.

A melody is a sequence of notes played or sung one note at a time.

Harmony is the combination of two or more musical notes played or sung at the same time.